The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City had a photography exhibit going on last week. Serendipitously, I found myself there. And scoped it out, Diane Arbus had her work featured. Her work centers around people, and those that are outside the mainstream of society for whatever reason. I am attaching a New Yorker article about her that features some of her photographs, so check it out for more information about her, but she said something interesting about her bold approach to photograph these people. "There are things which nobody would see unless I photographed them."( Diane Arbus) Spectacular photos of sunsets or forests are awesome to see, but most people would find them pleasing to look at, and have had the chance to seek that pleasure out for themselves. But Arbus's photographs reveal a part of life in New York City that would be left unacknowledged and forgotten. It was cool to see photos set in NYC while being there. The photo below was my f...