
Showing posts from October, 2017


“I Forgot to Give you Quarters” "That’s okay.  I did not need them so urgently.  I only sought to wash my clothes in the coin operated laundry machine in the basement.  Another week will pass, and maybe you will remember the quarters"

Gathering Strength

I didn’t hear from you for many years, and now you call me in the morning.  After all these years, you decide to call.  I am tired now, near exhaustion.  It really is not a good time. Try me at home.  If nobody picks up, you can leave a message, but don’t expect me to call you back.  I did not hear from you for many years.  I sat in mourning day after day, sleeping next to the phone, and you did not call.  Now I am standing, and gathering strength.  Don’t expect me to call you back tomorrow morning.