I Am Cold

As leaves fall, autumn descends.
The sun fades away behind the bends.
The moon becomes powerful, mightily reigns
as the wolves howl mournfully, the lament of Cain.

Night blankets day, like cold penetrates warm.
Shivering replaces sweat, freezing is the norm.
The dark grows deeper, silhouettes appear-
Frozen upon mine cheek, frozen is my fear.

Muscles grow stiff. Feet grow swelled;
Snow weighs down, eyelids are welled
shut. Now the blackness I cannot escape,
and dissolved is my figure, disintegrated my shape.

I join the darkness, become a searing cold.
My eyes can now open, my heart grows bold;
I seek the sun to harness her power-
incarcerate her warmth, force her to cower.

Cower before the moon, the effervescence glows.
The small yet mighty, casting an eerie light. Shows
what is slithering and crawling all around,
illuminates the shadows that lay writhing on the ground.

The world is impure, never again clean;
maliciously angry, intentionally mean.
The ugly head rears, face twisted with a sneer-
Her veneer disappears, and winter is here.
Photo: Jacque


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