Making Love Stay

The question, apparently, is how to make love stay. To make love stay, 'you' has to be many. Whether you build on previous yous from previous places, or a complete invention of a you every day. Or definitely not. Because 'you' might also be considered a complete fraud, a honking phony, an outrageously noncommittal slimeball with an awfully amorphous backbone.
Sure sure people say that making love stay is not all that important, and if it does not stay, maybe it should not. If it isn’t staying, then it is not love. No, no. Love only stays where it is wanted, but being wanted does not always make love stay.  Love is born in the effort of trying to make it stay. It is a slippery bar of soap. I could have all the flour and eggs and chocolate and sugar in the world, but if I don't make brownies, then obviously I'll never have a goddamn brownie.

yass maybe I'm just hungry. 

"Finally, just as the bare feet of the toddler emerged from the restroom, the driver popped the clutch, and the truck lurched away. The child stared in disbelief at the disappearing vehicle, then went pattering after it. 'Wait for Baby,' he yelled. 'Wait for Baby, you sons of bitches!'"

(Robbins, Tom. Still Life With Woodpecker, 230.)


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