Time's Driver
Maybe that is why I dreamt I killed a man. Because people
dream of the impossible, and despite my sometimes naïve admiration of people
like Lee, a real creep who killed people and shot up and “rolled drunks
on the subway”, I would be a target of his, not a colleague.
Caught between two worlds, present and past, young and old,
fresh and aged, reality and clouds – not sure. I just
need to make mine my own.
You write what you know, so I write that I had a pretzel cut up in small bite size pieces covered in presumably fake chocolatey slimy substance. I write that I've rubbed my eyes so much that they are weary and raw. everyone is always seeking out that raw experience though so maybe it is for the best.
Babble babble babble and nothing will ever make a story.
i will bounce to Buenos Aires tomorrow to see the amalgamation of architectural wonders and to tastefully imbibe in the Spanish speaking spirit. like the time driving through the rough and tumble and forgotten mountains of North
Carolina and the lonesome flats of Tennessee to reach the Mississippi
in Mississippi. There had been little reason to rush, it was going nowhere. it was like Molasses, with flecks of green on top, sitting and sitting and warming in the sun, bored and full like a hot bear in a zoo.
Indeed that is the Mississippi. And that is all it is.
People tend to give the Mississippi a lot more than it’s due, we have airplanes
and highway systems now – its days of being the king of commerce and markets
and capitalism are far over. We ought to destroy it and redo it, it could be
called Mississippi 2.0 but the point is that time might be driving but really that is okay, because time will always be driving.
Time drives so goddamn fast.
Time doesn’t go fast, time just goes, and it is fast. Time never loses, while somehow also always ending up last. When everyone’s done driving,
you bet time will still be behind the wheel, taking its time, but real fast. I look
at some people and can tell they are trying to cut time off, we all know them- they think they can swerve real quick and take time unawares. And everyone is familiar with the drivers who allow time and all its friends to go ahead of them. By all means. But time itself?
Time is constantly finishing, and yet keeps going. Fucking unstoppable.
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