Be Dynamic

Be Dynamic. In spirit and in body.

It is important to take a second, and let go. Let go of your ideas, let go of your plans, let go of your feelings, your notions of right and wrong, your hunger, thirst and exhaustion. Let it go, and let your body happen. Let your spirit happen.

See if you can be and not do. It is very hard because if I am “being” than I am doing the ask of “being”. How can I be, if I can never say look at me - I did it.

Focus on being dynamic. Let your body wander through our three dimensional space in this world. Let the eyes take in different objects, lifes, colors, and feel the textures of our planet on your fingertips.

Let your mind wander to our other dimensions. Try to think about other states and modalities of consciousness besides our default mode of past, present and future. What if there was no past, or no future? What if all that existed was this moment?

For some it will be easier to be dynamic in spirit, and not body. Meditation is a great way of allowing your mind to explore other realities, that may be less familiar but certainly just as real as our default mode of conscious existence. We also dream every night and free our mind from its caged construction that we exist in, day in and day out.

Others prefer to keep a dynamic body. Always traveling, moving, doing. Seeing and expanding our sense of the world by placing our body in physically diverse environments and challenging our mind to keep up.

Combining the two can make for a frightening combination, until we realize that fear can be dispelled by removing our preconceived notions of the past and absolving ourselves of our anxiety toward the future.

Let it happen to us, and we will stay limber. We will stay focused, compassionate and explorative. We stop being dynamic when we allow fear to enter our psyche and confine ourselves to rigidity, in either mind and/or body.

We follow pre-existing paths of action and thought because they give least resistance. Let’s sift the sand of our mind and take charge, take ownership, and create new paths when and where we need to.

By dynamic, and stay connected to more than one reality.



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